Connection and installation of Solar panels

Solar energy is a promising alternative energy source, and its installation and connection are very easy. However, to fully enjoy its advantages, you need to understand how to collect, install and connect solar panels. In this article we will look at:

  • How is the layout of the power supply with solar panels
  • How to properly install a solar panel
  • Connecting the solar panel – the main steps
  • Step by step instructions


The solar panel is a structure that consists of several rows and cells, which collectively generate energy. These components are responsible for converting solar energy into electrical energy.

To connect solar panels you will need the following accessories.

Solar panels themselves. Their type, quantity and size you choose depending on your objectives, needs and budget.

A rechargeable battery is a chemical source of current. When choosing one, the capacity of the battery is the most important factor to consider. Generally, car batteries are not recommended for these types of schemes as they can’t withstand frequent recharging.

The charge controller is a device that controls several functions simultaneously. One of these is controlling the charging of the battery. It does so by automatically shutting off the solar panels when the battery is fully charged. It also helps conserve the energy stored in the battery.

AC 220 V is the output voltage of an inverter. It is a device that converts the DC voltage from the battery into V. The quality of the received voltage is also known as the power quality.

The charge controller is device converts the DC voltage from the battery into AC 220 V. It is commonly used to charge mobile devices and other electrical equipment. When connected to a solar panel, the inverter will determine the proper output voltage for the given device.

These components are used for the connection and communication of solar plant components. Aside from these, you also need fuses for protection against short circuits.

This is the simplest and most cost-effective way to install solar panels on your home. It only needs a few components and is very durable.


You need to choose a place where the solar panel will be installed. This will depend on the area’s size, the degree of illumination, and the battery’s weight.

It’s important to keep track of the orientation and the angle of the solar panels relative to the horizon when they’re installed. This will help determine the ideal angle of the light to hit the panels. Generally, the panels should be placed at the south-facing portion of the solar structure.

To install and mount a solar panel, special fasteners are used. These include the rails, which are attached to the panel. To secure the solar panel, its mounting points should be secured using clamps or bolts.

If the solar panels are attached to a chain, make sure that the ones are in the same plane and have the same angle. Also, make sure that the site is empty and unshaded.

Although solar panels can perform well in both summer and winter, they should only be installed when the weather is clear and sunny. Generally, they should only be used once the proper design and installation have been done.


The complexity of the solar panel’s design makes it necessary to follow the instructions carefully when assembling.

When connecting the elements, make sure to observe the polarity.

It is generally recommended to connect the system using copper solid wires with a cross-section that is at least 0.4 cm2 thick, which is strong enough to resist ultraviolet rays.

Connecting a solar panel is usually done in stages and in a certain sequence. Consider these steps.

Step-by-step Instructions

The battery and the controller are both connected to a cable. The controller regulates the charge and discharge of the battery. An inverter is also connected to the battery.

The controller is also used to control the solar panels. Its basic function is to monitor the battery voltage. However, it can also control other elements such as the temperature and the charge current.

A solar system that uses a transformer is equipped with an inverter. This component is used when the appliances and equipment in the house are powered by electricity and are connected to the battery.

The electrical wiring that carries the solar energy to the consumer. This is where the electricity is delivered to the place of use that the solar energy is used.

When connecting all the components of this circuit, it is necessary to clearly follow the instructions for each device, which are usually attached.

Ideally, when buying solar panels or equipment, make sure that the whole system is purchased as a set. This ensures that the devices and equipment are compatible with each other and provide the ideal output.